Men who weigh 200 pounds and is doing physical exercise daily food needs as follows:
- 2500 grams calories
- 83 grams fat
- 60 g protein
- 25 gr fiber
- The various vitamins and minerals
In contrast, women usually will require less calories than a man. Dapaat We assume that the food may be supplemented with vitamins and minerals (either mixed or in tablet form). So, if there is more concern about differences in men and women. The problem is staying on kaliro, protein, fat, and crude fiber.
If you want to be a minimalist, you can get the calories of white sugar, fats from vegetable oils, protein from protein powder, and fiber from the bran.
Based on the description can be said that everyone in the 2-year journey to Mars need food as follows:
- 274 kg (602 pounds) of sugar
- 60 kg (133 pounds) vegetable oil
- 43 kg (96 pounds) of protein
- 18 kg (pounds) of fiber
If the mixture of these materials formed into slabs, you will need the approximately 400 kg or 880 pounds of food for each person in order to survive for 2 years on Mars.
In almost all space missions other necessary needs is water, water is not an issue because water is a byproduct of making electricity in fuel cells. Nutritionists recommend only drinking 8 glasses a day, for example, for someone who is very easy thirsty, so to survive for 2 years on Mars one would require 456 gallons of water (a very beautiful number "456")
Wait for the next update "How Should We Build a colony on the Moon?"
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